the Unexplored

Travelling with Rentalbox

At Rentalbox, our mission is to make travelling with your bike as seamless and easy as possible, which means you can stop stressing about your journey and start looking forward to it.

With national Rentalbox Hubs around the UK, providing on-hand expertise from packing your case, to general bike maintenance when travelling, our handy online guides, and support from our helpful Rentalbox customer service agents.


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Travel Guide

Whether this is your first time travelling with your bike, or you’re just looking for tips on making your next trip a little easier, then our travel guide is here to help.

At Rentalbox we have put together a detailed guide with everything you need to know about travelling with your bike, from packing your bike box, what you can and can’t pack in your box, airline regulations, and tips on getting it to your chosen destination.

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